Inner order rules
by order of the director of Artsmile LLC from
«___»_______________ 20__ of the year № _____
Internal regulations and the provision of paid dental services
(operational since «___» ____________ 20__ year)
………….. – 200_ year.
This document (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), approved by the order of the head Pozhidaeva M.K. “Artsmile” (hereinafter referred to as the Company) is a normative document regulating the internal regime and features of the provision of paid dental services in “Artsmile” LLC (hereinafter the Surgery, Center, Clinic).
1. General Provisions
1.1. All medical dental services in the Office are carried out for a fee and in accordance with the approved price list.
1.2. Given that the Surgery is a medical institution, certain requirements apply to its patients and visitors, in particular, compliance with silence, safety precautions, regime of stay, and the like.
1.3. The company is not responsible for the safety of money, valuables and clothing of patients (visitors), with the exception of those that have been transferred for safekeeping.
1.4. Information about consumer properties and safety of medical services in the Surgery is found in the “Consumer’s Corner”, during medical consultations, and in some cases – in special forms.
1.5. Information about the founder and management of the Enterprise, a license for medical practice, medical personnel, certificates for medical devices and equipment, warranty obligations, price list, current discount programs are open to all visitors.
1.6. The standards for the quality of dental services, which are expected from the Surgery, give instructions to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 28.12.2002. for No. 507.
2. Medical staff
2.1. The Company’s employees in their work always adhere to the principles of professionalism, honesty, benevolence and professional ethics for each patient. Ethical and deontological norms also apply to relations between members of the workforce of the Enterprise.
2.2. When carrying out professional duties, the medical staff of the Surgery fulfills the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine on labor protection, safety regulations, sanitation and disinfection, as well as fire and technical safety.
2.3. Labor relations at the Company are regulated by the current legislation of Ukraine, including the Labor Code, the Collective Agreement, labor agreements, internal regulations (orders and instructions).
2.4. Functional duties and requirements for the appearance of each of the Cabinet employees are determined by the corresponding instruction. Medical personnel should always be clean and tidy.
3. Working hours
- The Surgery has the following opening times:
Mon. – Sat. from 9:00 AM to 08:00 PM. Sunday is a day off.
The Administration of the Enterprise can establish a special mode of operation on weekends and holidays.
3.2. Personnel involved in patient care must be at the workplace 30 minutes before the appointment.
3.3. The schedule of work and the peculiarities of registering patients with individual specialists is determined by the administration of the Enterprise.
3.4. Doctors have the right not to admit patients, who are 45 min (or more) late for an appointment without notice were late for an appointment for more than 45 minutes. Reception of patients who are late can be postponed to a later time or another date.
4. Registration of documents for patients
4.1. For each patient, medical documentation is entered, the list and forms of which are developed and approved by the administration of the Enterprise, taking into account the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine.
4.2. When preparing medical documentation, not only information about the general state of health, specific reactions and characteristics of the body of each patient is collected, but also personal data.
4.3. Personal data is necessary to ensure prompt communication with each patient in the event of a violation of the treatment plan, the timing of certain procedures, as well as for possible resolution of legal issues in the future.
4.4. Each patient is obliged to provide the medical staff with reliable information about their health status and their personal data, otherwise the Company is relieved of legal responsibility for the occurrence of emergency situations in treatment or a decrease in its effectiveness.
4.5. The patient’s refusal to confirm the veracity of their personal data with a personal signature is the basis for refusing to further provide dental services, unless such refusal may threaten the patient’s life and public health.
4.6. If, when completing the questionnaires (other documentation) or answering the doctor’s (his assistant’s) questions, the patient is not sure of the correctness of their answer, they must inform the doctor about it.
5. Attending doctor
5.1. The attending doctor for a particular specialty can be elected directly by the patient himself or appointed by the administrator (registrar) of the Cabinet in accordance with the reason for the patient’s request or the freedom of the specialist.
5.2. The patient has the right to demand replacement of the doctor at any stage of treatment.
5.3. If the patient does not comply with the medical prescriptions (recommendations) of the doctor or the Internal Regulations, the doctor has the right to refuse further management of this patient, unless the life and health of such a patient is in danger.
5.4. The doctor and the Company are not responsible for the patient’s health or the effectiveness of his treatment in the event that the latter refuses to comply with medical prescriptions (recommendations) or if the patient violates a specific treatment plan agreed with him.
6. Features of the provision of dental services
6.1. All dental interventions are carried out in accordance with the approved norms (standards) of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
6.2. The provision of dental services begins only after the written registration of a personal information block of medical documentation for a patient.
6.3. Before starting treatment, the doctor must agree with the patient on the treatment plan, as well as obtain their written consent for complex dental interventions in the form of a personal signature of the patient (his authorized representative) in the relevant documentation (in accordance with a separate list). In some cases, even the agreed treatment plan can be adjusted, and the patient must be informed about this.
6.4. If there is any doubt about the patient’s legal capacity, the doctor should notify his management. Consent to medical intervention for minors is drawn up in accordance with clause 7 of the Rules.
6.5. Before carrying out a medical intervention, the patient must be expleined the purpose, nature and timing of the proposed examinations, therapeutic measures, and also informed about possible complications and risks. If the patient does not agree to the use of the necessary methods of preventing complications in the treatment (including the installation of structures), then the fact of informing the patient about the possibility of increasing the risk of complications in the future is recorded in the medical card. The doctor is also advised to take the patient’s signature on familiarization with such consequences.
6.6. If, due to features (including anatomical) of the oral cavity, teeth, gums, pre-esteblished structures or general health of the patient, there are contraindications or risks of complications, or predicted ineffective treatment, the doctor should act in accordance with specific dental situations, rather that satisfying the shims of the patient. When agreeing a treatment plan with the patient, the doctor should try to anticipate possible conflict situations in the future by choosing the most appropriate and justified method (s) of treatment.
6.7. In carrying out their activities, medical personnel must strictly adhere to the standards (norms) established by the current legislation on methods of diagnosis and treatment.
6.8. For the treatment (examination) of patients, only drugs and materials that are purchased for the Surgery centrally by the Enterprise can be used.
6.9. In the event of a conflict situation with a patient about the quality, order, duration of treatment, making important changes to a previously agreed treatment plan, suspending (discontinuing) treatment, as well as making demands for the immediate replacement of the attending doctor, medical personnel must comply with medical ethics and prevent development conflict, as well as in writing (memo) inform the management about it.
6.10. If the patient disagrees with the arguments and explanations of the attending doctor in the situations specified in p. P. 6.6. Of the Rules, the doctor has the right to refuse further treatment, take a written receipt from the patient about the refusal of treatment on the conditions proposed by the doctor, or draw up an act with the participation of 2 witnesses, if the patient does not want to give such a receipt.
6.11. In cases when the patient does not follow the medical instructions of the doctor, violates the established regimen of treatment, treatment procedures and interventions, the doctor notifies the management in writing and makes a corresponding entry in the patient’s medical record.
6.12. The patient can at any time refuse from further treatment, in which case he must inform the attending physician and the Administration of the Office in writing (with a statement).
7. Provision of dental services to minors
7.1. The provision of dental services to underage patients is carried out only with the written consent of their legal representatives (one of the parents, adoptive parents, guardians), which is entered in the medical card, a special form is provided as a separate document.
7.2. Consent to the provision of dental services to a minor is formalized if his legal representative has documents confirming the existence of family ties (a child’s birth certificate, a passport of a parent or mother with a stamp) or documents recognizing his custody powers.
7.3. After the representative signs a consent for the treatment of a minor patient, his further treatment is carried out in accordance with the provisions of these Rules.
8. Patient responsibilities
8.1. Patients are obliged to follow the recommendations and prescriptions of the attending doctor regarding treatment, diet, and the use of installed dental structures.
8.2. While in the Office, do not violate the internal regulations, do not smoke or litter the premises.
Patients are prohibited from:
- going to medical offices in dirty or wet outerwear, hats, jackets and coats made of fur and leather, etc.
coming to an appointment in a state of alcoholic intoxication or under the influence of narcotic or toxic substances; - taking medical supplies on their own that have not been prescribed by the attending doctor;
- violating the rules of operation and caring of established orthopedic, then dental structures;
- smoking in unidentified places
- videotaping the clinic premises and taking actions that may lead to the disclosure of medical secrets to other patients.
8.4. Patients are not recommended to:
- indicate (report) false information about yourself and your health;
- miss or be late for appointments
- skip planned preventive and other check-ups, consultations;
- do not follow the recommendations and advice of your doctor.
9. Warranty obligations
9.1. The terms and conditions of warranty obligations for dental work performed in the Office are approved by separate provisions, taking into account the provisions of the current legislation.
9.2. The period of validity of warranty obligations cannot be less than that provided for by the current legislation, and for certain types of work, the Surgery may give extended warranty periods.
9.3. If, when agreeing on a treatment plan, in the cases provided for in p. P. 6.6. Of the rules, the patient still insists on carrying out medical interventions or works that go beyond a favorable prognosis for their effectiveness or achieve the desired result, the patient signs a disclaimer of warranty obligations regarding the treatment plan chosen by him.
9.4. To maintain the warranty period of the installed structures (fillings, direct and indirect restorations, crowns, veneers, implants, bridges, removable, conditionally removable dentures, etc.), it is MANDATORY to visit the dentist once every 6 months for a routine examination. If the patient neglects this visit, the clinic’s warranty is canceled.
10. Payment order
10.1. Payment for the services is made after each intervention. The procedure and terms of payment may be stipulated by a written agreement (agreement) between the Surgery and the patient.
10.2. In case of payment by bank transfer, services are provided after 100% prepayment. With the consent of the Surgery management, a deferred payment is possible.
10.3. Within the framework of special programs, patients may be provided with discounts, the amount and procedure for the provision of which is determined by the management of the Enterprise.
10.4. Patients who are citizens of other countries and have health insurance are advised to check with their insurance company before starting treatment.
10.5. If the patient refuses to accept high-quality work performed by 70 percent or more, the prepayment for the already incurred expenses is not refundable.
10.6. The collection of debts from patients for the work performed takes place on the conditions provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine.
11. Final provisions
11.1. Any changes or additions to the Rules are made on the basis of the order of the director of the Company.
11.2. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the provisions of the Rules, medical personnel shall bear disciplinary or financial responsibility for damage (harm) caused to the Company or to the patient.
11.3. The rules for reviewing, issuing and storing medical records are regulated by a separate instruction.
11.4. Each patient is explained the main provisions of the Rules regarding his rights and obligations. The patient can familiarize themselves with the full text of the Rules in the “Consumer Corner” of the Surgery.
11.5. Cases not regulated by these Rules are governed by the current legislation of Ukraine.